Blackboard Connect Sign up

Concan Water Supply Corporation (CWSC) has enrolled in a communication system called “Blackboard Connect”. This system is utilized by school districts, communities, and utilities, as a method of notifying their students, parents, teachers, employees, or customers regarding issues such as meeting notifications, utility outages, cancellation of classes, and emergencies. CWSC continues to grow and it is important we have a way to effectively and quickly communicate with our members. Members can be quickly advised of water system outages, scheduled meetings, and other issues related to the CWSC. CWSC would also utilize this system to notify members of any severe weather conditions, road closures, river rises, and wildfires. Members would be notified utilizing phone (landline or cell), texting (cell), and / or e-mail. It is therefore necessary for you to provide us, updated communication information. This will also be beneficial to CWSC so we can notify members individually regarding potential leaks or high water usage. The communication system will be partially funded with a $5.00 annual fee to be assessed to each member (not each account) in January.

Blackboard Connect Sign up

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Primary Phone#:


    Do you wish to receive text messages?

    Your Message